Darbo skelbimai


AB Litgrid | Strategijos departamento vadovas (-ė)

MPS Baltic klientas - AB Litgrid – Lietuvos elektros perdavimo sistemos operatorius, palaikantis stabilų šalies elektros energetikos sistemos darbą, valdantis elektros energijos srautus ir sudarantis sąlygas konkurencijai atviroje elektros rinkoje. Litgrid atsako už Lietuvos elektros energetikos sistemos integraciją į Europos elektros infrastruktūrą ir bendrą elektros rinką. 

Kviečiame jungtis prie AB Litgrid vadovų komandos ir tapti Strategijos departamento vadovu (-e)! Būsite atsakingas (-a) už elektros tinklo perdavimo operatoriaus vieningos strategijos kūrimą ir įgyvendinimą bei suderinamumą įmonių grupės mastu rengiantis sektoriaus transformacijai.


Royal Canin | Field Sales Manager Baltics

Our client – Royal Canin is a division of Mars Petcare and the global leader in Health Through Nutrition for cats and dogs. Founded in 1968 Royal Canin has been continually working and partnering with veterinarians, nutritionists, breeders, and other pet professionals around the world to improve pet health and well-being.

Currently Company is looking for a new colleague – Field Sales Manager Baltics for Pet Professional Pillar.


Scandagra Group | Group Business Process Manager

Our client – Scandagra Group is the holding Company founded in 2006 by the leading Scandinavian agriculture cooperatives DLG (Denmark) and Lantmännen (Sweden). Scandagra Group holds 5 daughter companies across the Baltics - Scandagra Lietuva, Scandagra Latvia, Scandagra Eesti, BTC, Rezeknes Dzirnavnieks, and today is a trustable partner to both successful large scale, and novice farmers alike. Company is a key provider of complex agricultural solutions and operates as a grain purchaser and wholesaler of seeds, fertilizers, and plant protection products.

Currently, Scandagra Group is looking for a Group Business Process Manager to join their team in Vilnius and drive processes & operations improvement initiatives across the main Business Companies in all three Baltic Countries.


Profitus | Investor Relations Manager

Our client – PROFITUS, is the TOP1 real estate crowdfunding platform in Lithuania and TOP3 in Europe. Founded in 2018, it have since funded over 150 MEUR worth of loans to date and became an investment space for more than 36 000 of investors. Profitus has demonstrate a solid growth during recent few years, outperforming the market. They restlessly build business on foundations of trustworthy relations, customized digital solutions, sustainable growth approach and continuous market education. Having successfully achieved domestic goals, Profitus sets international growth as a strategic priority. It is a team of ambitious professionals united by one purpose – to positively impact on to building financial freedom of every stakeholder they relate to everyday.


To support its ambitious growth plans, currently Profitus is looking for an Investor Relations Manager to join their team in Vilnius, Lithuania.